

Dura Mater Explained

The Dura is the outermost layer of the meninges that covers the brain and the entire length of the spinal cord. In this article, you will learn about its structure, function, and clinical relevance.

Paranasal Sinuses Explained

The paranasal sinuses are air-filled regions within the bony structure surrounding the nasal cavities. Learn more about the anatomical position, function, and associated diseases of this body part.

Nasal Septum Explained

The nasal septum is a bone that divides the nasal cavity in two. Beyond its structural function, this body part is also involved in humidifying and clearing inhaled air. Learn more in this article!

Heart Attack

Heart attack is a lay-term for myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction is, in simple terms, death of cardiac cells/ tissues. Myocardial cell death occurs when the cells do not receive adequate nutrition and oxygen to perform their regular function. The most…

Acute Kidney Failure

Overview One of the fascinating feats of the human body is how it maintains a stable internal environment despite environmental changes. Organs of the body need to be nourished with the correct amount of electrolytes such as Sodium, Potassium, and…

How to Fast For a Medical Scan

Medical imaging or scan is a technique used by health professionals to create visual representations of the internal body structures, including organs and tissues. The purpose of a medical scan is to diagnose a particular health condition and perform clinical…
