

外傷性 ヒップ joint dislocation or hip dislocation occurs when the head of the femur (ball) is pushed out of the acetabular notch (socket). This injury is most commonly a result of a traumatic incident which can be a car collision, a high-impact fall on a straight 、または体操などのスポーツに連絡してください。 

A dislocated hip joint is often a serious condition and can be extremely debilitating if not treated immediately within hours. Elderly women are more prone to get a dislocated ヒップ joints due to osteoporosis (discussed later). Hip dislocation can also be there congenitally or during the development of the baby. However, in this article, we will focus more on the unwanted, traumatic (injured) type of dislocation of the Hip joint.  


この問題を理解するために、 ヒップ joint. The hip joint is a ball and socket type joint. The ball is formed by the head (upper end) of the femur; the long thigh bone, while the socket is formed by the acetabular notch or acetabulum; part of the hip bone.  



ヒップ 関節脱臼はしばしば2つのタイプで説明されます: 


This is the most common form and 90% of the cases are of posterior hip dislocation. The thighbone (femur) is pushed out of the socket in a backward direction. A posterior dislocation causes the leg to become fixed in a position, with the knee and foot rotated inwards, i.e., towards the middle of the body. 


When the ball (femur) is pushed out in a forwards direction i.e., the blow is from the back of the hip joint, the dislocation is termed as an anterior dislocation of the ヒップ joint. In this case, the leg is rotated outwards and away from the midline of the body.  

Different types of hip dislocation via タウンセンター整形外科



  • 激痛 
  • 動けない または太もも 
  • しびれやうずき–神経損傷がある場合 
  • 腫れ–血管の損傷が原因である可能性があります 


The hip joint like most other joints of the body is a pretty strong joint. A lot of sudden impact or force is required to break away the ligaments and dislocate the ヒップ joint. As mentioned above the most common cause is trauma. Approximately 70% of the cases are caused by motor vehicle collisions. During this collision, the leg hits the dashboard in front which forcefully pushes the leg in a backward direction causing the head of the femur to be pushed out of the socket.  

Another cause that might be associated with hip dislocation is a fall from a high point. Landing on the ground with a straight causes forceful expulsion of the ball from the socket resulting in hip dislocation.   


  • 高速運転 
  • シートベルトを使用しない 
  • 建設業界で働く–転倒しやすくなる可能性があります 
  • 栄養不良、特にカルシウムとビタミンDの不足 
  • 年齢–若いアスリートはしばしばこの怪我を経験します 
  • 性別–閉経後の女性は ヒップ 関節脱臼 


A history of sudden trauma with extreme pain and lack of movement can indicate hip dislocation. 


ジェームズハイルマン、MD、CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0、ウィキメディアコモンズ経由



  • 整復手順–骨折や神経損傷など、他に関連する損傷がない場合、医師または整形外科医は単に麻酔薬を投与し、骨を元の位置に戻します。これは削減と呼ばれます。 


  • 手術–靭帯の断裂や血管の損傷など、他の組織に骨折や損傷がある場合は、骨折を固定して骨を元の位置に戻す即時の手術が必要です。 


In cases where there are associated fractures with dislocation of the hip joint, there can be long-term complications. You might face the following complication: 

  • 神経損傷 – as the head of the femur is pushed out of the socket it can compress or injure the nearby nerves. This occurs mostly in posterior dislocations and the nerve at the greatest risk is the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from your buttocks down to your knee. Injury to this nerve can cause weakness and even loss of movement in your entire leg. Sciatic nerve injury occurs in 10% of cases of ヒップ 転位 
  • 骨壊死 –血管や神経が破れたり切断されたりした場合、骨、特に大腿骨頭への重要な供給が遮断される可能性があります。これは、酸素、栄養素の利用不能、または神経刺激の欠如のために組織の死をもたらす可能性があります。 
  • 関節炎 –軟骨の損傷と摩擦の増加による関節の痛み 


Hip joint dislocations can be avoided by avoiding traumas i.e., taking precautions to avoid injuries from accidents, falls, or sports. You can: 

  • Wear seatbelts – seatbelts can help you stay in place during the accident and lower the impact between your leg and the dashboard 
  • 注意深く、制限速度の下で運転してください 
  • 屋根などの高所で作業する場合は注意が必要です 
  • 骨や軟骨の衰弱を避けるために適切な栄養を摂る 


Hip dislocation is a serious injury that needs to be treated right away. If you experience a fall or you get into an accident following severe pain or swelling you need to be immediately taken to the hospital or the emergency room.  


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