
病理學 101

這個單詞 病理 來自希臘作品 帕托洛尼亞, 它結合了 感傷 (痛苦)和 標誌 (研究)。該術語描述了研究各種疾病對人體的起源(病因)、進展(發病機制)和影響的醫學分支。


病理學 101 提供了根據症狀和體徵、風險因素、診斷方法、可用治療方案和預防措施描述的疾病集合。

腦膜瘤——最常見的腦腫瘤“/&gt;</a></div><div class=病理學 101


經過 24/08/2021 0


腦膜炎——腦膜炎症“/&gt;</a></div><div class=病理學 101


經過 24/08/2021 0


主動脈瓣狹窄——主動脈瓣狹窄“/&gt;</a></div><div class=病理學 101

Aortic Stenosis – Narrowing of the Aortic Valve

經過 24/08/2021 0

Aortic stenosis is a serious condition caused by the narrowing of the descending aorta that supplies blood to the

尿路感染 (UTI)“/&gt;</a></div><div class=病理學 101

尿路感染 (UTI)

經過 24/08/2021 0

Urinary tract infections are very common in both men and women. Read this article to learn how to manage

喉炎解釋“/&gt;</a></div><div class=病理學 101


經過 23/08/2021 0

Are you experiencing loss of voice and throat pain? Have you been diagnosed with laryngitis and would like to

感音神經聽力 Lоѕѕ 解釋“/&gt;</a></div><div class=病理學 101

Sensorineural Hearing Lоѕѕ Explained

經過 23/08/2021 0

Do you know what is the difference between hearing loss and deafness? Read this article to know how to

撕脫骨折解釋“/&gt;</a></div><div class=病理學 101


經過 23/08/2021 0

An avulsion fracture occurs when a small part of bone attached to a tendon or ligament gets pulled away

食管發育不良解釋“/&gt;</a></div><div class=病理學 101


經過 23/08/2021 0

Oesophageal dysplasia, or Barret’s oesophagus, is a progressive change in the shape and activity of the cells lining the

雷諾氏綜合症解釋“/&gt;</a></div><div class=病理學 101

Raynaud’s Syndrome Explained

經過 20/08/2021 0

Did you know that your body can respond to stress and cold temperature by making your extremities feel numb


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