Discover the Human Body

Anatomy 101

The word Anatomy comes from the ancient Greek word Anatomē, which means “dissection”. This branch of medicine studies the structural organisation of the human body and its parts, organs, and vascular supply. The observation of the body parts with the only assistance of the naked human eye is known as gross anatomy or macroscopic anatomy. The study of those body structures or body tissues that are only visible using special equipment such as a microscope is referred to as microscopic anatomy or histology.

Anatomy 101 is aiming to provide comprehensive and easy-to-digest information on the structure and function of a variety of human body parts. Improved knowledge of human anatomy and how the body systems interact sets the basis to understand illnesses and make informed decisions about your health care.

7 Key Things You Need To Know About The Back Muscles

7 Key Things You Need To Know About The Back Muscles


The Back is a Musculo-Skeletal structure complex. It is made up of muscles, bones, nerves and it also holds and protects different organs systems, for instance, the spinal cord.

Nasal Concha Explained

Nasal Concha Explained


The nasal conchae, or turbinates, is a bony structure found in the nasal cavity. Learn everything about its anatomical structure and function in this article.

Humerus Bone – Upper Arm

Humerus Bone – Upper Arm


Learn more about the humerus, the longest bone of the upper limb. In this article, you will learn about its structure, function, and most common diseases to this body part.

Larynx (Voice Box) Explained

Larynx (Voice Box) Explained


The larynx, also known as the ‘Adam’s apple", has the double critical function of breathing and enabling the production of sounds.

Brachial Plexus Explained

Brachial Plexus Explained


The brachial plexus are a group of nerves that depart from the cervical and thoracic vertebrae and extend to the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand.

Aorta Explained

Aorta Explained


Aorta is the first artery that arises from the heart, therefore making it one of the most important channels for blood flow. Learn more about the aorta in this article!

Urethra Explained

Urethra Explained


Overview Thе urethra iѕ the tube thаt саrriеѕ urine frоm thе bladder tо the оutѕidе оf thе body.Once the bladder bесоmеѕ full, urinе flоwѕ through thе urеthrа and lеаvеѕ the bоdу аt thе urеthrаl mеаtuѕ, which iѕ located аt tiр оf thе penis. Thе urethra iѕ mоrе than juѕt a urinary duсt; it аlѕо ѕеrvеѕ […]

Digestive System Explained

Digestive System Explained


Discover the complex anatomy of the digestive system with illustrated images and descriptions from the mouth through to the gastrointestinal tract.

Excretory System Explained

Excretory System Explained


The excretory system as the name suggests is responsible to clear out waste from the body. Each and every cell in the body undergoes a million if not a billion chemical reactions per day. Each of these reactions results in many chemical compounds, some of which are metabolic waste. Apart from cellular metabolism, the food […]

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